The Government of
Sikkim has launched a unique and innovative programme called “State
Green Mission” with the view to raising avenue plantation and
beautification of all vacant and waste lands to further reinforce wide
spread recognition of Sikkim being a Green State.
Date of Launch: 27th February, 2006 at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok
Please Refer to the following contents for further details
Overview of State Green Mission
The State of Sikkim has been primarily concerned with the conservation & protection of Forests and other natural resources in the state. In the State, though the Greenery along the road side is good it needs to be enhanced to the maximum level to protect the roads from landslides, slips, sinking and also to maintain the aesthetic beauty. It will also reduce land, water, air and noise pollutions as well. The Tourism development equally requires good roads along with the aesthetic cover to attract more tourists.
There is a need to have the avenue plantation along all the road sides, generate good green cover in the Government and Institutional vacant lands, development of vacant pockets as small parks. Hence the State Government has taken initiative to generate Avenue plantation in massive scale by using all the manpower in various departments in the Government, and other nature lovers from the Government and Non Governmental Organizations including different Eco clubs and Self Help groups. Accordingly Government has takeout a notification vide no 15/Home/06 dated 24/2/2006 in this regard. Hon’ble Chief Minister has formally launched this programme on 27/2/06 in the presence of his Ministers, officers and the public of Sikkim in the programme organized by the Forest Environment and Wild Life Management department at Chintan Bhawan, Gangtok.
Aims and Objectives
- To create green belt and avenues for meeting aesthetic recreational needs to the people
- To beautify the areas for tourist attraction.
- To reduce the surface run-off discharge and checking erosion in the downhill side.
- To create a store house of genetic diversity by planting all the indigenous trees, shrubs, herbs,
climbers, creepers, conifers and green foliages including fruits and
medicinal plants.
- To reduce the encroachment of road
reserve areas.
- To provide shade to the pedestrian.
- To increase local precipitation due to
their aerographic and micro-climatic effects and create conditions
favorable for the condensation of the clouds.
- To reduce temperature and increase
- To reduce noise pollution to the
neighboring household population.
- To attract the avifauna, butterflies,
squirrels etc and their shelter.
- To promote tourism as a sustainable and
eco friendly activity.
- To make the State of Sikkim as a Garden
- Mass Afforestation along the roads and vacant land, streams and
water falls, etc.
Coverage of the Programme
It has been proposed to take up plantation in the vacant and open lands in the state, it includes the road reserves along the National Highway, State High way, District Roads and Other roads. It is also proposed to take up plantation in the Government and Private vacant lands, along Water falls and streams, Religious Institutions, other Government Institution lands.
Implementing Agency
State Level Committee
- Hon'ble Chief Minister - Chairman
- Hon'ble Minister, Forests, Env & WL – Vice Chairman
- Chief Secretary – Member
- Addl CS–cum-DC – Member
- Director General of Police - Member
- Secretaries of Finance, Industries,
Tourism, AHVS, RMDD, HRD, PWD (Roads) Energy and Power, Water Security & PHE, Agriculture and Horticulture – Members
- PCCF-cum-Secretary – Member Secretary
- To provide overall policy guidelines
- To support implementation mechanism
- To decide on the coverage of the programme
- To over see the programme and to ensure timely provision of financial, material and manpower resources
Constituency Level Committee (Green Task Force)
- Area MLA – Chairperson
- District Collector – Member Secretary
- Superintendent of Police – Member
- All Divisional Forest Officers –
- District Development Officer – Member
- Joint Directors, AH, Agri, Horti, HRD
– Members
- Divisional Engineers, Roads & Bridges,
irrigation, Energy and Power –Members
- Panchayat/JFMC/EDC presidents– Members
- Head of NGOs/SHGs – Members
- To plan for field implementation
- To supervise and monitor the
implementation and to decide the modalities thereof.
- To guide the process of implementation
- To motivate and ensure peoples
- To ensure supply of resources required
including man power requirement
- To ensure plantation and post
plantation care by deployment of labor from all the departments
Required man power should be met up by involving
- The M/R
laborers from all Government departments
- JFMC, EDC Members
- Volunteers from the Public
Implementation Period
It is proposed to cover all the
state within three years right from 2006-07 to 2008-09 in Three Phases
Phase – I - 2006-07
Investing for production of sapling
Site selection/Soil working
- 20 % of the plantation target
Phase – II -2007-08
Active Phase
50 % Plantation target
Maintenance of plantation
Phase – III -2008-09
Final phase
30 % Plantation target
Maintenance of plantation
Special Programme
Programme of Mass propagation of March-flowering Cherry (Geyzing type), Tree-Fern plantation along the streams and waterfalls, Introduction of Paulonia species, Mass plantation of Eucharis, Zephranthes, Ophiopogon etc wherever suitable space is available, Raising of Alpine plants suitable for avenue purpose, Special nursery for raising Rhododendron for alpine landscapes.
Creation & Development of Recreational Gardens
If there is any special budgetary provision in the Tourism department, it is proposed that sites will be prepared for development of recreational garden in the flank areas and turning points of road where broader area is available. We can take 0.10 ha area on an average in two to three spots in each constituency (Tourism department has to transfer the required funds to the Forest department to avoid the procedure of Forest land diversion). Group of conifers, perennials evergreen ornamental foliage’s, shrubs, bamboos will be planted by laying garden and landscaping. Provisions for fixing of benches for visitors and tourists are proposed within the recreational garden. Toilet facilities will be provided. Water supply for drinking water will be provided. Bridle path with flat stone pavement will be constructed. If the area is sufficient ponds/water bodies will also be created. Maximum technical inputs and improved technologies will be provided for ensuring success of plantation and development of other activities in the recreational garden. If funds are available, the Tourism department can inform the Forest department for further procedures like submission of estimates. Large size sign boards with steel frame( 6’x4’) with names of the local GTF officials responsible for plantation and its protection.
Protection from adverse climatic conditions like drought, hailstorms, cattle grazing, human interferences, and wild animals is a must for ensuring good survival rates. Resistant species against the adverse climatic condition and cattle grazing will be advisable. To overcome the problems of cattle grazing and other biotic interferences it is proposed to provide Social fencing Social fencing by involving Voluntary organizations, existing infrastructure/Labor in the Govt, JFMC's, EDCs, SHG’s and other clubs in the state. The District level committee has to coordinate for future protection
Monitoring & Evaluation
The internal monitoring will be carried out by the Officer of the Constituency level committee and the district officials from the Forest, Env. Wildlife Department. The State level monitoring committee for this purpose will be constituted by the PCCF- cum Secretary in consultation with the State level committee. To look after the overall plantation works, it is proposed to deploy one Conservator of Forests to each district. He should report to the Chief Conservator of Forests meant for two districts. The CCF shall report to the PCCF cum Secretary regarding the progress.
Budgeting Financial Forecast
The budget provision for the various activities under the project will be made from the state plan under appropriate Head of Accounts. The cost norms and the basis of expenditure have been prepared on the basis of the Forestry and SPWD schedule of rates.
In the financial year 2006-07 State Government has allocated Rs 2.00 crores for first phase under state plan. Since the proposed task has been divided into three phases it has been proposed to set aside an amount of Rs 60.00lakhs (30% of the allocation) as an advance to raise seedlings for second phase plantation to the selected nurseries for this purpose by the department. And the remaining amount will be spent in first phase of avenue plantation
[ Top]
Implementation Setup

Species Recommended[Top]
Altitude 2000-5500 ft
indica (Horse Chestnut)
Cassia fistula
Erythrina soberrosa (phaledo)
Lagerstromia flosreginae (Jarul)
officinalis (Amala)
spps. (Tanki)
scholaris (Chatiwan)
fortunii (Chinese teak)
elongate (Chinese teak)
fortunii (Chinese teak)
indica (imli, thithri)
ferns (Cycus)
Callistemon (Bottle Brush)
Jaccaranda mimosifolia (Jaccaranda)
cuminii (Jamun)
lilliflora (Magnolia)
Gaikhuray Fern
Datura Pink
Tecoma stans
Hibiscus (china rose)
Euphorbia pulcherrima
Ixora stricta
Plumeria (Temple tree)
Yesterday, today & tomorrow
Saraca indica (Ashoka)
Eucharis (Pyaji Phool)
Zephranthus robusta
Costus specioosus
Dendrobium spps.(Auley sunakhari)
Cymbidium longifolium (Lekh sunakhari)
Altitude 5500-7000 ft
Prunus cerasodes (Paiyu) October flowering
Prunus Gayzing Type March flowering
Cedrella Toona (tooni)
Michelia excelsa (rani champ)
Rhododendro arboretum (lali guras)
Symingtonia populnea (Pipli)
Aesculus indica
Paulonia fortunii (Chinese teak)
Salix Babylonica (weeping willow, bayas)
Tree ferns
Mahonia napaulensis (chutro)
Hypericum spps.
Magnolia grandiflora (Gogey champ)
Laculia gratissima
Viburnum sps. (Asarey)
Euphorbia pulcherrima (lallu pathi)
Jasminum (jasmine)
Bergenia species for walls
Zephranthus robusta
Hedychium species
Coelogyne Cristata, Cuelogyne nitida
Coelogyne ochracea for walls and rocky area
Altitude 7000-10000 ft
Magnolia cambelli (Gghey champ)
Acer species (kapasi)
Juniperous recurva (Juniper)
Juniperous Pseudosabina (Juniper)
Larix griffithii (larch Gobrey)
Tsuga brunoniana (salla)
Populus ciliate(poplar)
Salix babylonica (Bayas)
Prunus spps.
Hypericum spps.
Rhododendron spps.(gurans)
Luculia gratissimum
Viburnum spps.(asarey)
Enkianthus campanulata
Rosa candita
Magnolia lilliflora
Pieris spps.
Spiraea (April fool) |
Bergena for walls
Arisaema spps.
Cardiocrinum giganteum
Annual Administrative Report 2003-04 (Forestry & Wildlife
HCM's Appeal
We have launched a unique and innovative programme called “State Green Mission” with the view to raising avenue plantation and beautification of all vacant and waste lands to further reinforce wide spread recognition of Sikkim being a Green State.
Situated beside the mighty snow-capped mountain Khangchendzonga amidst enchanting valleys and rivulets, Sikkim is an extremely beautiful state. It abounds in natural resources with pollution-free air and healthy climate. We want to keep this distinct identity of Sikkim as a Green, Clean and Garden State and intent to make the Green Mission a people’s movement.
I appeal to Panchayat members and common people to plant trees. They can grow fruit-bearing and flowering plants wherever suitable. Sikkim is called the Indrakil – garden of Lord Indra. Let us preserve our greenery and bequeath to our children a state full of greenery, beauty, resources and overall contentment. Let no land remain barren. At every village and at every Panchayat ward the protection committee should be organized.
We appeal to all to ensure greenery drive along the periphery of National and State highways and other district roads in each constituency. We should take up landscaping and avenue plantations with flowering and fruiting trees, beautiful shrubs and bushes all along various road networks with proper design in a systematic, time bound and phased manner by maintaining high quality standards. Every road of Sikkim should be tree lined in the next three years.
We request all Government agencies, Public Sector Undertakings, Institutes, NGOs, Academic institutions and Private Sector to plant beautiful trees to make their campus clean, green and beautiful. All vacant institutional lands should also be planted up and beautified in phased manner. We should all involve ourselves with full dedication and missionary zeal not only for plantation but also for its protection.
We appeal to all individuals living in towns and cities to decorate their houses and balconies with beautiful flower pots. Each house in our state should have sufficient ornamental plants with small gardens so as to act as a model house for promotion of village tourism.
Beautification works should also be taken up in each of our bazaar areas. Every shop owner should play a proactive role in beautifying his premises.
We should maintain absolute cleanliness in the State by proper solid waste management. We should not pollute our rivers streams and jhoras. We should ban writing on trees, dumping of waste on jhoras and throwing construction waste and mud along the roads and rivers. We solicit the cooperation of all private and public sector organization, NGOs and self help groups in Sikkim for their full and active participation for making State Green Mission a great success.
The Press, TV channels, and All India Radio should also help us in the generation of awareness for making Sikkim Clean, Green and Garden State through Green Mission. Adequate number of signages, banners, festoons should also be put up all along various road networks for generation of awareness about the State Green Mission.
We have a dream to make Sikkim a ‘heaven on earth’ and an ultimate ecotourism destination!.
Let us all join Hands!.