Forest and Environment Department
Government of Sikkim
Last Updated on January 13, 2025
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Chapter 1
Introduction |
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Chapter 2
Organization, Functions and Duties |
» |
Chapter 3
Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees |
» |
Chapter 4
Procedure Followed in Decision Making Process |
» |
Chapter 5
Norms Set for the Discharge of Functions |
» |
Chapter 6
Rules , Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records for Discharging Functions |
» |
Chapter 7
Categories of Document held by the Public Authority Under its Control |
» |
Chapter 8
Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by the Members of the Public in relation to the Formulation of Policy or Implementation thereof |
» |
Chapter 9
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies Constituted as part of Public Authority |
» |
Chapter 10
Officers and Employees |
» |
Chapter 11
Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation as Provided in Regulations |
» |
Chapter 12
Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc. |
» |
Chapter 13
Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes |
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Chapter 14
Particulars of Recipients of Concession, Permits or Authorization Granted by the Public Authority |
» |
Chapter 15
Information Available in Electronic Form |
» |
Chapter 16
Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining Information |
» |
Chapter 17
Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public Information Officers |
» |
Annexure |
Manual to be published by public authorities under clause 4(1) (b) of the RTI Act, 2005.
Chapter 1
1.1. Background.
This handbook/ manual is prepared by the Forest Environment & Wildlife Management Department, Government of Sikkim, Gangtok, under section 4(1) (b) of the Right to Information Act, 2005. The Key objective of this Act is to secure access to information under the control of the Public Authorities in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, constitution of Central Information Commission and State Information Commission. Whereas the constitution of India has established democratic Republic and democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency which are vital to its democratic function.
1.2. Purpose of this information handbook.
Section 4(1) (b) of RTI Act, 2005 is mandatory “suo motu”disclosure of information by every authority working under Government of Sikkim. Disclosure will be done through the publication of manuals, departmental website (http://sikkimforest.gov.in) and State ENVIS website (http://sikenvis.nic.in). Any applicant may avail the required portion of the manual by downloading from these web sites. The main purposes of these manuals are voluntary disclosure of information of this department.
1.3. Who are the intended users of the handbook?
Citizens, civil society organizations, public representatives, officers and employees of public authorities including Public Information Officers and Assistant Public Information Officers and Appellate Officers, Central and State Information Commissions etc.
1.4. Definitions of key terms.
(Note: Information is provided as Annexure at the end of Manual).
1.5. Organization of information.
Information is organized in chapter wise Template (format) providing footnotes wherever clearance is required. For further set of organization of information in this manual, please see the content of this handbook.
1.6. Getting additional information.
Beside information contain in this handbook if additional information is required by the applicant, any organization or private body, may apply in a prescribed form “A” under rule 5(1) of the act after payment of fee of Rs.100/- (Rupees- one hundred) only by way of Bank receipt to be deposited under major head 0070 OAS (E) RTI Fee in the State Bank of Sikkim. Along with the application form and above Bank Receipt a documentary proof of citizen of India in the form of certified copy of Sikkim Subject, Certificate of Identification, Pass port, Electoral Roll, Ration Card etc. is required to be submitted by the applicant.
1.7. Name & address of key contact points: (Updated on 13.01.2025)
Shri. Karma Legshey Dhondup IFS, Chief Conservator of Forest (HQ),
First Appellate Authority, Mobile No. 9434127178, email: pccf-fewd@sikkim.gov.in
» See Office Order (dated 24.12.2024) 
Shri. Nischal Gautam SFS, Additional Director (Planning)
Nodal SPIO, Mobile No: 7001970878, email: meetnischalg@gmail.com
» See Office Order (dated 20.02.2024) 
Shri. Y. S. Mukhia, Assistant Director (Planning & Statistics)
ASPIO (HQ), Mobile No: 9593282521, email: plng_stsforestsikkim@yahoo.com
» See Office Order (dated 01.03.2022)
» Also See:
Chapter 2
Organization, Functions and Duties
(Section 4(1) (b) (i))
Sl.No. |
Name of the Organization |
Address |
Functions |
Duties |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1 |
Department of Forest and Environment under which the following Circle/Divisions function various Forestry, Environment & Wildlife activities. They are Territorial, Wildlife, Social Forestry, Environment & Soil Conservation, Utilization, Survey & Demarcation, FCA Cell,
Planning & Statistical Cell, Accounts and Administrative Section, Working Plan, Research & Extension, Sericulture, EPC., JFMC & EDC.,SMPB, SPCB and various other committees formed from time to time. |
Forest Secretariat
Gangtok, Sikkim,
Pin code :737102
Fax No. 03592-281778 |
The Forest Department is mainly engaged in the protection & conservation of Forest, Env. & Wildlife in the State of Sikkim.Out of 7096 Sq. Km of geographical area, more than 81% is under the administrative control of Forest department. Hence it is being conserved and protected by enforcing various acts and rules and their amendments from time to time. |
Its duties include patrolling the forest areas and check the illicit felling and illegal movement, issue of transit permit of forest produce including the permit for extraction of sand and stone from river beds, issue of marking order, extraction of timber, collection of Forest revenue. Forest Department is also engaged in planting of trees, thinning, production of planting materials, creation and maintenance of nurseries, protection of Wildlife, their Captive breeding, Maintenance and protection of Khangchendzonga National Park (World Heritage Site), Himalayan Zoological Park, Wildlife Sanctuaries, parks and public gardens, check illicit transit of wildlife products & other non timber forest produce, detection of forestry and wildlife offences with appropriate follow up actions according to existing laws. It is also the duty of the department to see the boundary, encroachment, eviction of illegal occupation, detect forest fire and extinct it whenever occurred. The department also carries out the work of EIA/EMP for the Projects for obtaining the environmental clearance from the Ministry through FCA Division and Pollution control Board. Forest Department is also involved in protective works of soil in landslide areas in addition to Catchment Area Treatment and Wetland conservation. Various duties as mentioned above have been assigned to its officers & staff depending upon their seniority & designation which is well mentioned in Chapter 3. |
Chapter 3
Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees
(Section 4(1) (b) (ii)
3.1 Indian Forest Service and State Forest Service
Sl.No. |
Name of the officer/
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Statutory: |
Over all supervision of officer & staff. |
Appointment of class III & IV employees with the approval of the Government. |
Administrative: |
Various functionaries of the department transfer & promotion of all employees with the approval of competent authority. To attend various meetings in connection with the various functions and the resources of the department. |
Sanctioning of Earned Leaves of all groups III & IV, non gazetted officers Leave Encashment. He has the power to transfer FGs, BOs, ROs SFS & IFS Officers. He has to power to transfer in the department other than forest officers with in their respective cadre controlling authority. He has the power to punish the forest officer who are negligent in their duties or who are involved in forest offences. |
Financial: |
To ensure timely payment, timely financial sanction of various schemes & project of the department & release of payment after the projects are implemented as per the estimate approved by the Government subject to availability of funds. |
He has all the financial powers as mentioned in the financial rules as the head of the department. |
Other: |
To get the administrative approval of finance and planning and competent authority in the government of all the estimate of various projects and item as required under the rule. Technical Estimate: Technical approval of the estimate for various schemes. |
He has the power to technically approve various items of works under the various schemes when an estimate is submitted to him. He is also empowered to take disciplinary actions & penalties against the subordinate defaulting forest officers as when required under rule 3 of Sikkim State Subordinate Forest Service. |
Sl.No. |
Name of the officer/
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
2. |
CCF (T/HQ) cum CWLW |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will deal with all matters relating to Territorial Circle and Head Office. He is responsible for controlling illicit felling of trees, grazing, fire and illegal transit of timber within and outside the state. He is responsible for implementation of Sikkim Forest Act. He will also process the cases of the all those Territorial staff who are found in various forest offences and initiate a preliminary enquiry to establish prima-facie evidence. He is also responsible for seeking amendments in Sikkim Forest Act and training the rules under this act.
As a Chief Wildlife Warden (CWLW) he will ensure the powers & duties of all the officers delegated as per the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 vide Notification No. 98/WL/F.Env.& WL dated 4/9/2001 and implemented in right spirit. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority.
Financial: |
Other: |
3. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He supervises the activities of the Working Plan Circle and preparation of Working Plans. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority. |
Financial: |
Other: |
4. |
CCF (Utilization) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
CCF (Utilization) is responsible for overall control of activities of the Utilization Circle. Utilization Circle involved in extracting of timber, charcoal and firewood from the forest areas under the control of the Govt. They also control the import of timber from outside the State by the agents who have been provided with licenses to sale imported timbers to the public. They are also responsible for running the departmental sawmill. They may be assigned any duty by the department from time to time. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority.
Financial: |
Other: |
Any other works assigned to him from time to time. |
- |
5. |
(Social Forestry) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He is responsible for controlling the activities of Social Forestry Circle. The Circle is responsible for promoting forestry with participation of the people in the State. He recommends the payment of the scheme being implemented by Social Forestry Circle. He can be assigned any of the work by the department from time to time. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority. |
Financial: |
Other: |
Sl.No. |
Name of the officer/
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
6. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He is the Chief Wildlife Warden and supervises the activities of the wildlife circle for implementation of W/L protection Act. He also recommends the payment of various schemes being implemented by W/L Circle. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority. |
Financial: |
Other: |
- |
- |
7. |
CF(T) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He is overall in-charge of Territorial Circle. He is responsible for passing the bills pertaining to various schemes being implemented from time to time. He process the files for issue of license for quarries for collection of sand, stones and pebbles and also for transit permit for timber and NTFP. He is the appropriate authority for the purpose of implementation of rules made under Sikkim Forest Act. Duties assigned to him by department from time to time. He is also the Chairman of various forest development agencies for implementation of various schemes through JFM committees. |
Under rule 3 Sub-rule (ii) to (vi)/ (vii)/ (viii) of the SSSFS (Discipline & Appeal, 2006, he can exercise the above rules as a Disciplinary Authority to the Subordinate Forest Officers as and when required. |
Financial: |
He recommends the cases for departmental enquiry against the territorial field staff involved in forest offences after a prima-facie case is established against them, he is also responsible for taking various steps for the protection of forest and plantation from grazing and file. |
Other: |
8. |
CF(WL) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He is responsible for passing the bills of various schemes being implemented under his circle. He is also the Chairman of FDA controlling of W/L and Flora & Fauna available within the Sanctuaries and Biosphere Reserve. Passing of bills are done under his control. |
As disciplinary authority he is empowered with rule 3 sub-rule (ii) to (vi) / (vii) / (viii). |
Financial: |
Nil |
Nil |
Other: |
Any other activities assigned to him from time to time. |
Nil |
9. |
CF(SF) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He is responsible for promoting forestry with participation of the people in the State. Passing of bills are done under his control. |
Financial: |
Nil |
Nil |
Other: |
Any other activities assigned to him from time to time. |
Nil |
10. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
CCF (FCA) is the nodal officer for the purpose of forest conservation Act. He is a bridge between Govt. of India and the State Govt. He is responsible for scrutiny or all the documents required for getting clearance diversion of forest land for non forestry purposes. He is also responsible for all the duties mentioned in the guidelines for the Nodal officer for implementation of Conservation Act. He is also responsible for processing the files for getting approval of the State Govt. for sending the cases to the Ministry of Env. & Forest. He also keeps the records and files wherein clearance of the State Govt. and Govt. of India has been obtained. He also intimates the user agency wherever clearances have been given by Govt. of India under FCA 1980. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority. |
Financial: |
Nil |
Nil |
Other: |
Any other activities assigned to him from time to time. |
Nil |
11. |
CF(WP) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He supervises the subordinates for activities related to the Working Plan Circle including GIS lab and is responsible for the preparation of Working Plans. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority. |
Financial: |
Other: |
12, |
Director |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Director will supervise forestry, environment, wildlife activities being implemented in the Circles & Divisions wherever they are made in-charge of it. |
He can exercise the rule 3 sub-section (ii) to (viii) against the defaulting subordinate forest officers as a Disciplinary Authority. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
2 |
Addl. Directors |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Addl. Director will supervise forestry, environment, wildlife projects and activities being implemented in the Circles & Divisions wherever they are made in-charge of it. |
As disciplinary authority he is empowered with rule 3 sub-rule (ii) to (vi) / (vii) / (viii). |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
Addl. Directors are posted in Planning, Environment & Soil Conservation, Utilization, NTFP/ SMPB/ Sericulture/ Silviliculture and JICA assisted SBFP project of the department. |
- |
3 |
Joint Director |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She will supervise all the works on the field and collect report to be submitted to higher authority from time to time. |
As disciplinary authority he is empowered with rule 3 sub-rule (ii) to (vi) / (vii) / (viii). |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
12. |
Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
His is responsible for management of forest and its activities under his division. He will look after administration & execution of various forest works. He will assist the works allotted by superiors including CF in the Circle. Inspection of forest works in the division & check majors work regarding the result of measurement in the measure books maintained for the purpose. After inspection & measurement he will pass the bills for the payment. Any DFO posted in Territorial Division will be responsible for protection & conservation of forest products in his territory including revenue collection, allotment of quarries issue of transit permit, issue of Marking Order. He will be responsible for implementation of all the forest rules in the division with power to deal with offences. |
Under rule 3 Sub-rule (ii) to (vi)/ (vii)/ (viii) of the SSSFS (Discipline & Appeal, 2006, he can exercise the above rules as a Disciplinary Authority to the Subordinate Forest Officers as and when required. |
Financial: |
In the division he/she has power to exercise all the powers of drawing &disbursing officer. |
Other: |
He will carryout the orders of superiors officers as and when asked for. |
- |
13. |
Assistant Conservator of Forest (ACF) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Being subordinate of Dy.C.F. He will handle all the works of DFO in his absence. He will carryout all the inspection works in the timber depots, check post, illicit felling spots and plantation spots, keeping properly records, register and books in the division. He will also help in JFMs& FDAs. |
Financial: |
Other: |
14. |
Officer (RO) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
R.O. is in executive charge of the range & he is responsible for management of his range with the help of B.O., F.G.s under the instruction of ACF & DFO. He should conduct inspection of various spots as when required to report to higher officers. He may also take disciplinary action to his subordinates accordingly to acts & rules. M/Roll & labours engaged and their payment is his look after. He has to check 100% of the works done in his range. Regulation of felling in private lands with marking order is also his duty. |
Financial: |
- |
Other: |
- |
15. |
Block Officer |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
B.O.is a subordinate staff of R.O.to sees the works of head forest guards & forest guards regarding marking of trees, dictation & investigation of forest offences, checking of transit permit, supervision of fire lines & plantation works. He will also look after sowing, plantings, cultural operation, nursery works, collection of seeds etc. |
Financial: |
Other: |
16. |
Head Forest
Guard |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will supervise the works of forest guards under him within the jurisdiction given to him in order to carry out the instruction of DFO,ACF,
R.O. |
Financial: |
- |
Other: |
- |
17. |
Forest Guard |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He should know thoroughly the boundary of the beat allotted to him in order to prevent encroachment, injury from fire & illicit felling. He should check permits & control their execution. He should continuously petrol the boundary of the beat. |
Financial: |
Other: |
Sl.No. |
Name of the
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Addl. Director |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He is the overall in-charge of accounts division of the department. The basic duty of the Addl. Director (Accounts) is to advise the head of department in relation to financial matters. |
Financial: |
He submits bills & payments proposals to the head of office or head of department for sanction. In consultation with HOD he may move the proposal for additional / supplementary funds for the department. |
Others: |
2. |
Chief Accounts Officer |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
The basic duty of the CAO is to advise the head of office in relation to financial matters and also to maintain the records of receipts & expenditures of the department with the help of subordinate officers & staff. |
Financial: |
He submits bills & payments proposals to the head of office or head of department for sanction. In consultation with HOD he may move the proposal for additional / supplementary funds for the department. |
Other: |
He exercises the duties of Addl. Director in his/ her absence |
- |
3. |
Sr. Accounts Officer |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will assist in the works of CAO & performs all the works in absence of CAO. All the departmental bills are routed through him in order to keep financial vigilance. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
4. |
Account Officer |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will perform the duty of drawing disbursing officer besides the forwarding of checked bills to higher levels for sanction. He will also sign all the records maintain in SAR.CAR, Cash Book & advance register. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
5. |
Senior Accountant |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
As a senior most subordinate staff of accounts division he will check the correctness of all the entries made by subordinate staff along with fund position available in the appropriate head of accounts. He will scrutinize the bills & see propriety of the bills. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
6. |
Accountant: |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Bills forwarded by Junior
Accountant after entry in proper books will be checked by Accountant for further perusal by seniors as book keeping stage. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
7. |
Jr. Accountant |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will receive the bills entered by his subordinate for calculation and genuineness for the payment. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
8. |
Accounts Clerk |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will receive all the bills from the field level & make entry in registers after checking calculations & proper supporting documents. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3.3 State Statistical Service
Sl.No. |
Name of the officer/
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Deputy Director |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Compilation of the Statistical Data of the Department, Annual Administrative Reports. Other duties as and when assigned by the PCCF-cum-Pr. Secretary and Addl.Director (Planning. |
Reporting of ACRs of the non gazetted employees of Planning and Statistical Cell. Signing of the Sanction Schedules of the sanction obtained from the competent authority. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
2. |
Asstt. Director |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Duties as and when assigned by the Addl. Director (P&A) and Dy. Director (Plng. & Sts.) |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3. |
Statistical Officer |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Duties as and when assigned by the Addl.Director(P&A), Dy. Director(P&S) & Assistant Director(P&S). |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
4. |
Statistical Inspector |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Duties as and when assigned by Addl. Director(P&A) or senior officers of the Planning and Statistical cell. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3.4 Administrative Section
Sl.No. |
Name of the officer/
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Addl. Secretary |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She is the administrative head of the administration section of the forest secretariat. |
Sanction of increments, leave encashment, leaves of subordinates staff. Submission of proposal for creation and sanction of post and promotion of non-gazetted staff. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
Other works assigned by PCCF –cum- Pr. Secretary |
- |
2. |
Jt. Secretary: |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She will assist the head of the office in the administration section of the forest secretariat. He/She supervises the work of subordinate of officers & staff in all the administrative work i.e. promotion, transfer, leaves, appointments, disciplinary actions, upkeep of personal files & other records. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3. |
Dy. Secretary |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She will assist the head of the office and the Jt. Secretary in the administration section of the forest secretariat. He/She supervises the work of subordinate of officers & staff in all the administrative work i.e. promotion, transfer, leaves, appointments, disciplinary actions, upkeep of personal files & other records. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
4. |
Under Secretary |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She will assist the works of Jt. Secretary in the administrative matters. Issue of various letters & orders are done from this level after obtaining approval. |
Remarks: Duties & responsibilities of O.S./H.A./
UDC/LDC of other Circle/Division is similar to the work done by Admn. Section of main secretariat. Only the difference is of relevant files. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
5. |
O.S. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
As highest non-gazetted staff he/she will have overall control in the running of Admn. Section with subordinate staff. He/she will forward all the files to higher authority for the appraisal & approval. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
6. |
H.A. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/she will scrutinize all the files routed through him/her process by subordinate staff. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
7. |
U.D.C. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/she will see the genuineness and other matters duly processed by L.D.Cs. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
8. |
L.D.C. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She will responsible to put up all the papers marked to him/her in the relevant files. Keeps the records of the papers and files |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
7. |
Peons. |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
Duties as and when assigned by the Officer & Staff. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
8. |
Drivers: |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
All the Drivers either M/R or regular may carry out the order of officers along with the maintenance of the vehicle. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3.5 State Pollution Control Board
Sl.No. |
Name of the officer/
employees |
Designation |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Chairperson |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She will chair the meeting of SPCB as and when required. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
2. |
Member Secretary |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
As per the Notification No.1/Lu&E/F dt:2/09/92 |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3. |
Pr. Scientist |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will look after administration of SPCB along with his Scientific Research & consent management, field inspection. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
4. |
Sr. Scientific Officer (SSO) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will assist and coordinate inspection in the field, consent management, monitoring of air & water quality furnishing reports thereafter. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
5. |
Assistant Env. Engineer / Assistant Scientific
Officer (ASO) |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He will provide assistance by inspection in the field, monitoring of air & water quality furnishing reports thereafter. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
6. |
Lab .Assistant |
Statutory: |
Administrative: |
He/She visit field to collect sample & analysis the sample. |
Financial: |
- |
- |
Other: |
- |
- |
3.6 Other Services
Sl.No. |
Name / Designation |
Adm Division |
Duties allotted |
Powers |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
1. |
Pr. Chief Research Officer (Wildlife) |
Wildlife |
He/She is responsible for forest and wildlife research permit management, research activities wildlife and biodiversity. |
2. |
Vigilance Officer |
Vigilance Cell |
He/ She will kepp vigil on various activities of the department. |
3. |
Advocate |
Legal Cell |
To provide legal services in matters pertaining to the department |
4. |
Private Secretary |
Forest Secretariat |
He/ She will provide assistance to officer to whom he/she is attached in daily office works. |
5. |
Jr. Technical Officer |
Working Plan |
Technical assistance in preparation of working plan and all activities under the division. |
6. |
Cartographer |
Working Plan |
He/ She will prepare GIS based maps, conduct field/ ground truthing and perform activities under the supervision of CF (Working Plan) |
7. |
Assistant Surveyor |
Working Plan |
Forest boundary surveys, preparation of maps and activities under working plan division |
8. |
Sub-Inspector (SI) |
Control Room |
To mediate communication through wireless sets and other media and duties as assigned by CCF (T/HQ), CF(T) and ACF (T/HQ) |
Note: - In the coloum (2) of Chapter 3 of the Manual only designation is given instead of name of employee because of frequent transfer and postings.
Chapter 4
Procedure Followed in Decision-making process
(Section 4(1) (b) (iii)
Activity |
Description |
Making process |
Designation of final decision-making authority |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
Goal-setting &
planning |
It will be done at higher level but writing of the goal-setting & planning will be done from practical level officers/staff. |
Through consultation to various other Divisions & Circles. |
PCCF-cum-Pr. Secretary. |
Budgeting |
Annual & Five Year Plan proposals are prepared by the department as per guidelines & format supplied by Planning Commission to State Planning Department |
Consultation within the department and to Planning & Development Department is done for making decision |
Planning and Finance Department |
Formulation of programmes, schemes and projects |
Programmes, Schemes & projects of various forestry works are done at division level after consultation & field visits by concern officers & staff. |
Meeting and consultation within the circles & divisions. Final Projects or programme is written at the division level. |
PCCF-Cum- Pr. Secretary for programmes / projects funded by State Government. Ministry of Forest & Environment for the programme / projects funded by Central Ministries. |
Recruitment/hiring of personnel |
As per sanction post appointment will be done by DOP/SPSC. For the casual appointment in various low ranks it will be done departmentally. |
Through consultation with Administrative Section of the department. |
Head of
DPART,SPSC,Forest Environment &Wild Management Department |
Release of funds |
It will be done by State Finance Department & Central Ministries depending on the schemes/progremmes |
Through meetings & consultation with various wings and agents. |
Finance Secretary at the state level and the officers designated in the Ministry. |
Implementation/delivery of service/
utilization of funds |
PIA is designated by the department for implementation of programmes and projects to deliver service to targeted group by utilizing the fund provided. |
Meetings & Consultation in the department. |
PCCF-cum-Pr. Secretary |
Monitoring & evaluation |
Monitoring & Evaluation of the project & programmes are done by senior officers before the release of payments. Central team will visit if the scheme is funded by the central govt. under CSS scheme.
Field visits and measurement of work both in quantity & quality of the work completed. |
PCCF-cum-Pr. Secretary |
Gathering feedback from public |
Feedback is collected through interactions with the member of public where the programme was implemented. |
Decision is arrived on the basis of the summarized feedback collected from the field. |
PCCF-cum- Pr.Secretary |
Undertaking improvements |
On the basis of observation made on progress report of the programme. |
PCCF-cum-Pr. Secretary |
Chapter 5
Norms set for the Discharge of Functions
(Section 4(1) (b) (iv))
Sl.No. |
Function / service |
Norms/standards of performance set |
Time frame |
Reference document prescribing the norms (Citizen’s Charter, Service Charter etc) |
Chapter 6
Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for
Discharging Functions
(Section 4(1) (b) (v) & (vi))
Sl.No. |
Description |
List of contents |
Price of the publication if priced |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
Rules & Regulations |
1 |
Sikkim Forest Act, 1980 |
Free |
2 |
Wildlife Preservation Act, 1972 |
Free |
3 |
Forest Conservation Act ,1980 |
Free |
4 |
Application of act to Khas and Gaocharan |
Free |
Instructions |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Manuals |
Forestry manual is not yet written. |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Records |
1 |
Files of Divisions and Circles |
2 |
Records of Account Section |
3 |
Administrative Files of Administration |
4 |
Aerial Photography of Towns and Sikkim State, Range and Block Mapping, 2006-07. |
5 |
IRS-IC Satellite Data of Sikkim, LISS 3CDS generated on 24.07.03 |
6 |
Soil Map, Vegetation Map, Forest Type Map, Topo Sheet, CIR Aerial Photography, Natural Resources. Working Plan Report of South District. |
Publications |
1 |
Annual administrative report |
Free |
2 |
Annual Budget Book |
Free for official use only |
3 |
Statutory Rules in Book form |
4 |
A New Horizon towards Forest Fire Mapping using GIS |
Forest Fire, Climate ,Forest Fire analysis GIS on Forest Fire |
Available in Working Plan Division |
5 |
Forest covers Mapping through digital image processing of IRS Satellite data. |
Status of remote sensing technology, Objectives of Manuals, Interpretation techniques, Forest type Mapping, Forest density Mapping, Forest Cover Mapping |
Available in Working Plan Division |
6 |
Soil of Sikkim for optimizing Land Use |
Geographical setting Soil Survey interpretation Methodology. |
Available in Working Plan Division |
7 |
GIS based Micro Level Planning Model for Reymendo Watershed 2000. |
Planning for sustainable development, Watershed Micro Level for Planning GIS based Watershed Management, Soil Analysis, Land Use and change in Land Use pattern. |
Available in Working Plan Division |
Chapter 7
Categories of Documents held by the Public Authority
Under its control
(Section 4(1) (b) v (i))
Sl.No. |
Category of document |
Title of the document |
Designation and address of the custodian (held by/under the control of whom) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
1. |
Files(Personal, correspondences, Miscellaneous, file index register, file movement register |
Record Keepers of every Circle/Division offices. |
2. |
Stock Register |
Stockiest/Store Keeper/LDC. |
3. |
Dispatch Register, issue register, receipt register, peon book, stamp register. |
Dispatcher of Circle / Divisions. |
4. |
Cash Book, Contingent Audit Register, Advance Register, Work Register, Salary Audit Register, Cheque Issue Register. |
Jr. Accountant of Circle/Divisions. |
5. |
Transit Permit issue register, Marking orders schedule, NOC register & other relevant forms. |
Staff of Territorial Circle/ Division. |
6. |
Stock register of timber & other forest produce, issue of license to private timber depots |
Staff of Utilization Circle/Division. |
7. |
Plantation journal book, attendance register of MR field staff, implements register |
R.O / B.O. of respective nurseries. |
8. |
Plantation record register, Silkworm rearing record register, Co-coon production register with sale & revenue collection records. Labourers register, measurement book, chemical stock register, record of boundary of sericulture farms, weekly/ monthly progress report register. |
Officer & staff of Sericulture Division. |
9. |
Work Measurement Book |
10. |
Records of receipt and issue of uniforms to the field staff |
DFO Stores/Store Keeper |
11. |
Personal Files of Non Gazetted Employees |
Joint Secretary, Under Secretary, O.S., H.A., UDC, LDC. |
Chapter 8
Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by
the Members of the Public in relation to the Formulation of
Policy or Implementation thereof
(Section 4(1) (b) viii)
Sl.No. |
Function/ service |
Arrangement for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy formulation
Arrangements for consultation with or representation of public in relations with policy implementation |
1 |
Sericulture Division & its farms located at different location within Sikkim is primarily works on development of Sericulture in the State. |
For the purpose of formulation of various Sericulture policies consultation among officers of the department is done. Also the members of public are consulted as required from time to time. |
Additional Director/Joint Director , Forest Secretariat, Deorali, Gangtok.
2 |
Forest Conservation Act Cell functions as a liaison between the department and the user agency of the project by conducting public hearing also. |
In order to formulate the policy officers and private party members and public will be consulted as per the guidelines laid in the FCA Act. |
Nodal Officer of Forest Conservation Act, 1980 (Cell), Forest Secretariat, Deorali, Gangtok.
3 |
S.P.C.B.is also a kind of liaison authority between user agency and government of Sikkim whenever there is a proposal of big projects and programmes where forest land is involved. |
It will prepare EIA/EMP with the consultation among officers of the department and the members of public to submit the proposals. |
Member Secretary/ Chief Scientist, S.P.C.B., Forest Secretariat, Deorali, Gangtok.
4 |
As a whole department with the help of Circles/Divisions carry out the works of tree plantation along the road and highways under the scheme Green Mission. |
In each constituency the government of Sikkim has policy of making road side greenery; a green mission policy adopted involving MLA/MP and the members of public under the technical guidance provided by the forest department. |
C.C.F.(Territorial) Forest Secretariat, Deorali, Gangtok.
, |
Chapter 9
Boards, Councils, Committees and other Bodies
Constituted as part of Public Authority
(Section 4(1) (b) v (iii))
Name of Board, Council,
Committee, etc
Composition |
Powers & Functions |
Whether its Meetings open to Public/Minutes of its Meetings accessible for Public |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
1. State Pollution Control Board |
1. Chairman/ Chairperson
To chair the meetings as and when required. |
Meeting is not open
to public & its minutes are not accessible to the member of public.
Official Website of SPCB Sikkim
http://spcb.sikkim.gov.in |
2. Member Secretary |
i)As per the Notification No.1/Lu&E/F dt:21/9/1992 |
3.Pr. Scientist
4.SSO. |
ii)Policy & Planning
iii)Scientific Research & Dissemination
iv)consent managements |
4.ASO / AEE |
i)Field Report
ii)laboratory analysis
iii)Industrial inspections
iv)Monitoring of air & Water Quality |
5. Lab Asstt. |
i) Sample Collection
ii) Sample analysis
iii) Field visit. |
2. State Wildlife Advisory Board: This Board is constituted under Wildlife Protection Act 2002 (amendment) in order to advise the State Government. |
To chair the meetings as and when required. |
2.Vice Chairman |
To chair the meeting when in absence of Chairman. |
3. Three members of State Assembly. |
To participate in the deliberation of the meeting. |
4. Three persons from three NGOs |
To participate in the boards meeting. |
5. Ten persons nominated by State Govt. from among conservationist, ecologist & environmentalist |
They will contribute their experience & knowledge’s in the meeting. |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
6. Secy./PCCF |
To represent forest department. |
7. Representatives from Forest, Tribal Welfare, Tourism, Police, A/H, Fisheries, Botanical Survey of India, Geological Survey of India. |
As a line department, they will contribute their ideas and views to the house of the meeting. |
8. Chief Wildlife Warden |
He will function as the Member Secretary for the Board. |
3. State Medicinal Plant Board. |
Remarks: As per the Annexure enclosed. |
4. Forest Development Agency & Eco-Development Committees |
1. C.F.(WL) as
Chairperson |
He will chair the general body meeting and give decision whenever required. |
2.DFO(WL) as Member Secretary |
He will act as a Member Secretary for the Agency.
3. Members
Representatives from district offices & department of RDD,Welfare,Industries,Education,
Agriculture, Forest (ACF/RO/BO)
& adult members of the village to place their respective opinions in the meeting. |
Chapter - 10
Officers and Employees
(Section 4(1) (b) (ix))
Sl.No. |
Name of Office/ administrative unit |
Name, Designation & Address of Officer/Employee |
Telephone & Fax
Office Tel: Residence
Fax: |
Email |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
Note: Information of this Chapter-10 is provided as Annexure at the end of Manual.
Chapter 11
Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and
Employees, including the System of Compensation as
Provided in Regulations
(Section 4(1) (b) (x))
Sl.No. |
Designation |
Monthly Remuneration including its composition |
System of compensation to determine
Remuneration as given in regulation |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
Note: Information of this Chapter-11 is provided as Annexure at the end of Manual.
Chapter 12
Budget Allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc.
(Section 4(1) (b) (xi))
12.1 Provide information about the details of Plans, Programmes and Schemes undertaken by the Public authority for each agency.
Agency |
Activity/Purpose for which Budget is allocated. |
Expenditure. |
Expected out-comes. |
Report on disbursement made and where such details are available(Website,Reports,Notice boards etc.) |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
Note: Information of this Chapter-12 is provided as Annexure at the end of Manual.
12.2 Provide information on the budget allocated for different activities under different
Programmes /Schemes/Projects etc. in the given format.
Agency |
Activity/Purpose for which Budget is allocated. |
Amount released last
Year. |
Amount spent last year. |
Budget allocated current year. |
Budget released last year. |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
Note: Information of this Chapter-12(12.2) is provided as Annexure at the end of Manual.
Chapter 13
Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
(Section 4(1) (b) xii)
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
1. Subsidy packages of Sericulture scheme in KIND. |
Provision of planting material, tools, training, drip irrigation, vermin compost pit, disinfectants, silkworm seeds & cocoon marketing. |
To the prospective Sericulture farmers with the consultation of Panchayats & MLAs. |
Extension officer with the consultation of other officers. |
2. Subsidy packages of Sericulture schemes in CASH. |
Subsidy on silkworm plants, for weeding & manuring, for construction of chowki rearing house, for construction of silkworm rearing house, stipend during training programme. |
To the prospective Sericulture farmers with the consultation of Panchayats & MLAs. |
Extension officer with the consultation of other officers. |
Chapter 14
Particulars of Recipients of Concession, Permits or
Authorization Granted by the Public Authority
(Section 41 (b) xiii)
Institutional Beneficiaries
Sl.No. |
Name & address of
Recipient institutions |
Nature/ quantum of benefit granted |
Date of grant |
Name & Designation of granting authority |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
Individual Beneficiaries
Sl.No. |
Name & address of
Recipient institutions |
Nature/ quantum of benefit granted |
Date of grant |
Name & Designation of granting authority |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
Note: Information of this Chapter-14 is provided as Annexure at the end of Manual
Chapter 15
Information Available in Electronic Form
(Section 4(1) (b) x (iv))
Electronic format |
Description (site address/location where available etc) |
Contents or title |
Designation and address of the custodian of Information (held by whom?) |
Websites of Department |
Information related to Forest, Environment & Wildlife Management |
Nodal Officer (Website)/ Sr. Programme Officer, ENVIS Cell |
Chapter 16
Particulars of Facilities available to Citizens for Obtaining
(Section 4(1) (b) xv)
Facility |
Description (Location of Facility/Name etc.) |
Details of Information made available |
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
Notice Board |
Forest Secretariat, Deorali |
News Paper Reports |
Nil |
Public Announcements |
Digital Billboard, Forest Secretariat, Deorali |
Information Counter |
ENVIS (ENVironmental Information System) Centre, Forest Secretariat, Deorali |
Publications |
Annual Administrative Report, News letter, Books and Other Publication through website and ENVIS Centre |
Office Library |
ENVIS Library, Forest Secretariat, Deorali |
Websites |
www.sikenvis.nic.in |
Other Facilities (name) |
Nil |
Chapter 17
Names, Designations and other Particulars of Public Information Officers
(Section 4(1) (b) xvi)
17.1 Public Information Officer(s) / Assistant Public Information Officer(s) / Appellate Authority / Transparency Officer
Shri. Karma Legshey Dhondup IFS, Chief Conservator of Forest (HQ),
First Appellate Authority, Mobile No. 9434127178, email: pccf-fewd@sikkim.gov.in
» See Office Order (dated 24.12.2024) 
Shri. Nischal Gautam SFS, Additional Director (Planning)
Nodal SPIO, Mobile No: 7001970878, email: meetnischalg@gmail.com
» See Office Order (dated 20.02.2024) 
Shri. Y. S. Mukhia, Assistant Director (Planning & Statistics)
ASPIO (HQ), Mobile No: 9593282521, email: plng_stsforestsikkim@yahoo.com
» See Office Order (dated 01.03.2022)
» Also See:
Abbreviations/ Terminology related to Chapter 1 (1.4)
PCCF : Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
APCCF : Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
CCF : Chief Conservator of Forests
CF : Conservator of Forests
DFO : Divisional Forest Officer
ACF : Assistant Conservator of Forests
R.O. : Range Officer
B.O. : Block Officer
HFG : Head Forest Guard
FG : Forest Guard
IFS : Indian Forest Service
SFS : State Forest Service
GOI : Government of India
DPART : Department of Personnel, Administrative Reforms, Training
DOP : Department of Personnel
SPSC : State Public Service Commission
PIA : Project Implementing Agency
CSS : Centrally Sponsored Scheme
LU&E : Land Use & Environment
SPCB : State Pollution Control Board
SMPB : State Medicinal Plants Board
ENV. : Environment
ENVIS : Environmental Information System
(T) : Territorial
(P&A) : Planning and Administration
EIA : Environment Impact Assessment
EMP : Environment Management Plan
WP : Working Plan
NOC : No Objection Certificate
NGO : Non Government Organization
WL : Wildlife
ASO : Assistant Scientific Officer
A/H : Animal Husbandry
MF : Minister of Forests
O.S. : Office Superintendent
H.A. : Head Assistant
UDC : Upper Division Clerk
LDC : Lower Division Clerk
SSSFS : Sikkim State Subordinate Forest Service
1. Organization Chart
2. List of Officer appointed as Appellate Authority, Transparency Officer and other SPIOs and ASPIOs (As on 10.01.2024)
3. Nominal Roll / Manpower
4. Telephone Directory
Note: - Related to Chapter- 10 & 11.